For the past year and a half Alan has been privileged to help lead the Boy Scouts of American troop in our city. Since we was an Eagle Scout he loves being able to do this and being a part of the boys lives. We know a lot of them and they are a privilege to lead. Cameron has a while before he can participate, but every time Alan goes camping with the Scouts Cameron asks if he can go. He was finally able to go this weekend and he was soooo excited. We were excited for him to get to spend extra quality time with daddy, to be outside, to learn about camping and to be around some wonderful older boys that would be a good influence on him. Cameron actually has been a little sick this week and came down with a fever yesterday and we really prayed for his fever to go away and for him to be able to go. He felt better this morning and his fever was gone and Alan and Cameron were out the door at 7:45, packed and ready for an adventure!! I already felt like a scout “mom” even though I did not do much. I tried to pack a few fun goodies, but I didn’t want to weigh Alan down (he was carrying most of Cameron’s things ). I can’t wait for them to come back tomorrow afternoon and to tell me all about it. I took a picture of them before they left, but am having trouble with my pictures…hopefully I can get it out soon.
Meanwhile, I have enjoyed being home and getting some fun quality time in with just Laura Cate.