Sometimes I feel like a broken record and I am hesitant to write anything pertaining to Alan's chronic medical problems. I fear that I am complaining or am not sensitive to other people's pain. But so many people are praying for us and are concerned for us and we do not take that for granted. Thank you, thank you! I am learning so much about the body of believers and how much I need each person. It is humbling to say the least.
Alan received his CPAP machine(constant positive airway pressure) (you'd be amazed how many people have told me they or their spouse use one, but I was clueless as to what it was until recently).
He has been sleeping worse than before because it is hard for him to get used to. He still has several migraines a week. At his last appointment with his neurologist she said she she couldn't do anything else for him and suggested he go to a headache specialist. This means Alan would need to check in to a clinic for anywhere from 1-6 weeks. After many many phone calls and research the earliest appointment we could get was February, but it was with our third choice doctor. That was just too long to wait. We have been praying that something miraculous would open up. God knows our needs and He can move mountains, so we were trusting Him for an earlier appointment. During dinner this evening Alan received a phone call from our first choice doctor in Chicago saying that they had a appointment November 18!! That's in 12 days!! We are so thankful and praise the Lord for His provision for us. His mercies are new everyday.
Seriously thrilled to read this post.
Praying, praying, praying.
we are praying too. love y'all!
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