Saturday, March 19, 2011

Boy Scouts

For the past year and a half Alan has been privileged to help lead the Boy Scouts of American troop in our city.  Since we was an Eagle Scout he loves being able to do this and being a part of the boys lives. We know a lot of them and they are a privilege to lead.  Cameron has a while before he can participate, but every time Alan goes camping with the Scouts Cameron asks if he can go.  He was finally able to go this weekend and he was soooo excited.  We were excited for him to get to spend extra quality time with daddy, to be outside, to learn about camping and to be around some wonderful older boys that would be a good influence on him.  Cameron actually has been a little sick this week and came down with a fever yesterday and we really prayed for his fever to go away and for him to be able to go.  He felt better this morning and his fever was gone and Alan and Cameron were out the door at 7:45, packed and ready for an adventure!!  I already felt like a scout “mom” even though I did not do much. I tried to pack a few fun goodies, but I didn’t want to weigh Alan down (he was carrying most of Cameron’s things Smile).   I can’t wait for them to come back tomorrow afternoon and to tell me all about it.  I took a picture of them before they left, but am having trouble with my pictures…hopefully I can get it out soon. 

Meanwhile,  I have enjoyed being home and getting some fun  quality time in with just Laura Cate. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Birthday Party

We attended a birthday party today for two friends of ours.  Our friends the Todd's always have a way of discovering fun things to do and they found a place in a mall that has a roller-skating rink. So, they had a roller-skating party for their two girls, Hailey and Madison.  I took Cameron and we had so much fun.  He did not know much about roller skates and had never heard of a roller-skating rink, but he tried it and loved it!  There were lots of kids who were skating for the first time and they did so well.  We had lots of fun! Happy birthday Hailey and Madison!!  We love yall :)


Cameron and Hailey


Cameron cruising!

Soccer Pictures

Cameron had soccer again last week and loved it!  He had a lot of fun doing the drills and especially enjoyed the game at the end.  We could tell he has improved since last year and now he is really focused on “going fast”.  Whenever we go outside he is always running to see how fast he can go. Now when we walk to and from pre-school he asks me to time him as he runs to see if he is getting faster :)


Cameron is in the group to the right of the boy on the left wearing yellow.  He almost scored  a few times!


Cameron and Laura Cate had just as much fun playing after practice.


Laura Cate kept calling Cameron’s name and tried to play with him during the drills and game.  Maybe one day she can play too.

Big Girl Beds

Last Monday as Alan was getting ready to go out of town on Wednesday I was thinking about what I needed to do before he left and I decided it would be a good time to transition Laura Cate from her crib to our bunk beds…yes, a little crazy, but I was ready to have more room in their bedroom.  So, after dinner Alan, Cameron, Laura Cate and I got out the screw drivers and started working.  Laura Cate was excited to sleep in a “big girl bed”, except that she kept trying to crawl up into Cameron’s bed.  It has been a pretty good transition. She still tries to get out of bed at night and once in a while she will get out of bed and ride around on her tricycle in their room, but we are patiently working on training her to stay in bed.  One night she came tip-toeing out and I was on the couch reading and Laura Cate came and sat down right next to me and snuggled and said, “I sit.”  Oh, it was a sweet moment, but I knew I had to get her back in bed and correct her for getting out of bed.  Of course the very next moment she was tip-toeing out again and this time she came to sit down at the kitchen table.  At least Alan was their to help me keep my sanity. Cameron and Laura Cate like to sleep together sometimes and it is so sweet to see them curled up together and talking to each other.  I am so thankful for such fun memories that they will have together!  Here are some cute pictures!!photo

Snug as a happy bug! She loves her blankets piled on top.   IMG_0277IMG_0282

Her big dog is called “Shadow” in honor of Alan’s parents new Golden Retriever that Laura Cate met last summer and LOVED!


We love having these bunk beds!

Unfortunately while Alan was away she decided to climb out of her pack n’ play where she naps. I was doing school with Cameron in the afternoon and we heard the door to our guestroom open where she naps, but sometimes she could reach it while in her  pack n’ play, so we didn’t think much about it.  We just figured she would eventually get fall asleep.  The next thing we know, over our shoulders is a cute little curly-blond hair girl walking towards us with the biggest smile, saying, “Hi, Cameron!”  Cameron and I were stunned to say the least. We had know idea she could climb out, so that next day she began sleeping on our guest room bed.