Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Party Time

October and November are always busy times for us as we are blessed to celebrate Cameron and Alan's birthday (Cameron October 23 and Alan November 1st) and we always squeeze a little "Fall Festival" on October 31! Cameron and his friend Cooper got to celebrate their birthdays together (the more Hero/super hero power the better, right! Cameron of course was an Engineer (" a super hero engineer" as he said.) I can't believe we have a four year old. The time has flown by and each year gets better and better. Cameron LOVES being four...which he thinks entitles him to lots of big boy things now, such as four cookies, four pieces of cake, and playing for 4 minutes...sometimes it works for him, sometimes it works against him :( !
Here are some pictures of our favorite engineer on his birthday! We have been so blessed the past four years to have Cameron as our son!

This is Cameron's buddy, Cooper. They go to school together and have so much fun!

Probably his most exciting and usuable gift was his first bicycle! We had so much fun picking it out and waiting to give it to him. Now he is outside on his wheels at least once a day cruising around our apartment complex and seeing how fast he can go...don't worry, we make him wear a helmet. Riding a bike is another reason why he loves being four!Next post will be for Alan!

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