As Americans living overseas Thanksgiving is such a fun time to be with other Americans and to give thanks for all that God has done over the past year. Even though Laura Cate had a high fever and Alan had a migraine, we had a wonderful day enjoying God's goodness with friends. Alan and I cooked our first turkey! We were a little anxious, but it wasn’t that hard and we think it turned out well ?! One couple and their parents visiting decided not to come since she the couple is pregnant and due Sunday. We missed them, but did not want them to get sick. One other family still came and we were so thankful to be able to spend time with them and for their friendship…they have been here single and went back to the States and got married six years ago and just returned…we are thrilled they are back!
Our table before the chaos!
Alan carving the turkey!
Our best family photo for the day –I don’t think Laura Cate ate anything except maybe bread (she is going through a picky phase…actually maybe it isn’t a phase) and Cameron mostly ate sweet potato casserole and turkey. Alan and I enjoyed the leftovers!
Alan and Cameron with their second annual Pumpkin Pie they made together…so yummy!
The kids actually all played well together…they love trains, even Laura Cate.
I made a "Thanksgiving Tree", thanks to the idea of a friend of a friend and her blog :). It has been a highlight of our November as each night (well, I procrastinated and actually didn't finish the project until November 19th) we all write one thing we are thankful for on a leaf and stick it on the tree right before the kids go to bed. Cameron always makes sure we don't forget to stick the leaves on the tree. I made the tree so that we can use it year after year and collect our leaves of thankfulness. I hope this stirs in us a heart of thankfulness everyday, not just at Thanksgiving. Here is our tree (maybe next year we will start earlier and it will be more full :) )
I have been meditating on Psalm 100 a lot recently and we have a CD from a group called Seeds Family Worship ( and it is amazing! They put the Word of God straight to music, so I have found Cameron singing and memorizing Psalm 100 all week. It was perfect timing to think about these verses "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations" Psalm 100:4-5.
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!