Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Big Deal

I think all moms try to get their kids to like healthy food, or at least sneak it into their diet somehow.  The other day I was pretty clever and mixed some of William's pureed baby food with our spaghetti sauce!  Ok, my secret is out, just don't tell my kids :)  I try and try to offer Laura Cate carrots and cucumber.  Her big brother loves them...he would eat them at every meal, but she will not touch them. The other day she started to actually lick the cucumber, which I am not even sure I would want to do, but I told her she could not be excused from the table and get a brownie until she tried one bite of each.   She finally took one very, very small bite of each, and swalled it. Success!! We were so excited and applauded her for trying and then we had a very funny dialogue. Me: "Laura Cate, you did take a little bite of your food and that is a big, big deal. We are so proud of you."  Laura Cate: "I took a tiny, tiny bite, and its a big, big deal, so I get a big, big brownie!!!" Kids say the funniest things.   I don't really like to applaud efforts with sweets, but this time was worth it!

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