Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October Holiday

a typical house in the countryside
Our feast! 
October Holiday is the national holiday here and we enjoyed spending time at a friend's farm house. We grilled out and they made amazing fresh curry and other cooked veggies right from their crops.  The kids had a great time climbing the mountainside and just being outside.  I guess after living here for over ten years we should consider ourselves city dwellers, but oh, we still love being outside and having the kids run around.  We saw pigs, chickens, and even picked pumpkins!  We are so thankful for our friends to be so generous with their home and food.

some of the kids after they came back from their hike

some of us preparing food while the kids were hiking with the other adults

Cameron and Laura Cate
A friend, different than the one actually holding the chicken,  caught one of the chickens on the farm, bought it, and took it home to eat!  I didn't see it, but I heard it was quite a sight seeing our friend running around trying to catch the chicken! 

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