Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

Our new years celebration is pretty low key. But we did enjoy the day at  home with the kids. Alan and I gave each other some time to get away for a few hours and I am so thankful for that! I have started running again. It is not really a New Years goal, but it is somethig I realize I really enjoy doing that I can check off and say, goal completed, unlike so many things as a mom, where the fruit is not immediate and I can't even tell how I am doing with this huge task of shepherding three kids!

I am not competitive, but I am trying to run a 5K on my own by March..It only takes about 8 weeks to train for one, but as mom, I am holding that schedule loosely.

Alan and I asked the kids what they hoped God would do for in their lives. We were encouraged when Cameron said he wants to desire to be more obedient. So thankful for seeing God at work in this young  man's heart!

Laura Cate with as much excitement and passion as you can imagine said she really wants a new robe...this is coming from the girl who got two for Christmas! Though she does not desire the things of God yet, I am hoping and praying that He will take her passion and excitement and change it to passion and excitement for Him, His word, and His people, for His glory.

We are so thankful for how unique and special our kids are!

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