Sunday, April 25, 2010

Modern-Day Moses

Cameron was bubbling over with excitement for Alan to come home and to hear about his trip. Over dinner Alan was sharing about the scouts crossing a rapidly flowing river. He tried to throw rocks into the water to help the boys cross, but the water was going so fast that the rocks did not stay. So Cameron piped in with lots of hand motions that when he goes camping and they need to get across the river he will use a walkie talkie and tell the water to move out of the way. I was sitting next to Cameron and Alan was across from him not quite sure what he meant, but we had read recently in one of his Bible Story books about Moses and I finally clued in to what he meant. Alan and I both said, "oh, like the parting of the Red Sea," and Cameron said, "but you have to use a walkie talkie!" Go for it Cameron! Way to go remembering how powerful and mighty God is!

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