Saturday, February 19, 2011

Soccer Season

First I have to let everyone know that we got our refrigerator back today…very exciting. So life can get back to normal maybe. 

Today was also Cameron’s first day of soccer this season. He played last year and loved it, but he was a little reluctant to go again. Alan asked him why and he said “ all we do is run around.” They do play lots of games and drills and the coaches make it fun, but it is true, there are lots of 4-5 year olds just running around out there! Nonetheless, Cameron had a great first day and of course he liked having his daddy as his coach.  Alan took Laura Cate and let me stay at home and rest today, but poor Alan. Laura Cate can be pretty clingy and she wouldn’t let him put her down, so he was running around, coaching the kids and carrying Laura Cate the entire time…what a SUPER DAD!! Alan, you are the best! Thankfully Laura Cate is little and holds on tight :) I was hoping to get pictures for yall, but Alan was a little busy, so maybe  next week we can put some on the blog. 

Good night!  Tomorrow is back to cooking ~

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