Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We’re Back!

We are finally back home after being away for about three weeks.  We had a rough re-entry back when we came home to a refrigerator that quick working while we were gone, therefore leaving us a freezer full of  smelly, moldy food and then Laura Cate had a strange high fever for 2.5 days, but she is all better now.  We are still waiting to get our refrigerator repaired. The repairman said several days, maybe a week, so after about three days I started calling and checking, but he said not to worry, it hasn’t been a week yet…easy to say when you are trying to feed a family everyday.  Thankfully we have great neighbors and I have food spread out in a few different refrigerators :)

The kids were so excited to be back home. We had a few (maybe more than a few) pajama days when Laura Cate was sick…it was kind of fun.  :) 

Cameron was supposed to start pre-school back this week, but I decided he would wait until his buddy, Cooper, got back next week.  Cooper, hurry back! Cameron misses you sooo much!

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