Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day of School!

Last Tuesday Cameron started his first day of school in first grade at an international school in our city.  It was an exciting and slightly sad day for us all. Oh, I will miss my buddy so much.  Six and a half years all day with this cool kid! I wish I could know every single thing that he does and says and be a fly on the wall in his classroom.  So much to continue to trust the Lord with.   I really wanted to ride on the bus (it is a small bus and other parents ride if they need to go to school) and take Cameron to his classroom. I actually wanted us all to go, but the reality of getting all five of us fed and out the door at 7:00 was impossible, so Alan stayed with William and the day before Laura Cate begged if she could go with me.  So, she got up with Cameron, had breakfast and was so excited to go to school with him! It was a fun time. Cameron seemed so big and responsible. I was excited for him too and just know that he will love it.  We are so thankful to the Lord for providing such a great school for him. It was just a half day of school,. so I spent the  morning with Laura Cate and invited some little friends over to play and make cookies for the new students :) It was really fun. They did a great job!

 I told Cameron what time I was going to get him up (I woke up extra early just to be ready) and before I could get to his room he was dressed and ready for breakfast.  So far each day I have not had to wake him, he has jumped out of bed, ready to go!  I asked Cameron today if there was anything he didn't like about school and he said, "No, just that today it rained, so they didn't have recess outside..." Not bad!  He loves to play outside, be with friends, and play soccer, so I guess he got to do two out of the three things during recess, just not outside :).  He has had a great attitude and I know he is going to have such a great time learning about so much.  I met his sweet teacher a few weeks ago. She is new here, but has spent the last three years teaching lower elementary in Cambodia!  How cool is that!!.   We look forward to getting to know her better. Thank you Ms. Cole for moving here to love and teach Cameron!

Cameron and his 1st Grade teacher, Ms. Cole

Cameron in class, third from the left, front row

Laura Cate and her friends helped me make cookies for their brothers...the boys are all in the same class and are missed by their younger sisters :(
Laura Cate, Riley, and Sophie

the bus dropping him off outside our gate

welcome home from first day of school hug!

on the second day of school waiting in the morning for Cameron's bus to come, Laura Cate was wearing her own bookbag and offered to carry Cameron's for him. She felt soo big!

Cameron and Cooper on the bus, they talk the entire way to and from school I am told...30 minutes each way! 

Cameron before going to his classroom
All last week Laura Cate walked with Cameron and me to his bus-stop to drop him off, but this week she had to learn to stay at home with daddy.  Throughout the day she says she misses Cameron and asks when is he coming home. It is fun to see him get off the bus and be greeted by a loving sister with lots of hugs.  I am so thankful for their relationship and for extra time that I have to spend with our sweet Laura Cate and  William.  I better go to bed...6:00  a.m. comes way too fast!

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