Thursday, November 15, 2012

Always something new

Life has been pretty busy here on the home front. Alan has been out of town all week and it is a tough, long day getting Cameron ready for school and out the door by myself at 7:00 a.m.! I am so thankful for neighbors that have kids that can walk him to the bus stop and bring him home.  William seems to be doing new things everyday. Monday he stood up without holding on for the first time. He does it so fast though I have not been able to get a picture, but I am trying. He is a speed-racer crawler and the first place he zooms off to is the bathroom if the door isn't closed. He goes straight for the toilet everytime!  Yuck, yuck, yuck.  He keeps me on my toes and washing his hands a lot.  Yesterday he started pointing at things and saying some form of a word, and today he ate spaghetti all by himself for the first time!  William also suddenly dropped his morning nap...well technically I guess I dropped it for him. He went a few days without falling asleep like he usually does in the afternoon, so I started pushing him through lunch without his morning nap and now he takes one long afternoon nap.  I am so glad it was an easy transition..sometimes they flip flop back and forth or are tired at 11:00 a.m. and it can be tricky.  What an easy guy we have been blessed with (it makes up for his first 6 months when he was colicky and he,  nor Alan and I slept at all! ).  He is such a happy, snuggly, fun guy.  So now, I have two kiddos running/crawling around all morning, which is an adjustment, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.  I will try to get some pictures of William  if he slows down long enough!

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